NVIDIA Tegra 2

Due to the delay of NVIDIA Tegra 2-LTE devices arriving on the market, a lot of rumors have been floating around suggesting that Tegra 2 SoCs has problems working together with Verizon’s 4G LTE network. Well it looks like NVIDIA got tired of all the speculations and has made a statement to quash all rumors. Speaking on the phone with Droid-Life NVIDIA said:

Tegra has no compatibility issues with LTE at all. The Tegra-powered Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 4G LTE tablet runs on Verizon’s LTE network and is a perfect example of Tegra working fine w/ 4G LTE. Tegra 2 interfaces with many types of modems via standard interfaces, including LTE. There is nothing inherently unique about LTE as far as Tegra 2 is concerned.

So now that we know there’s no issue between Tegra 2 and LTE, the delay of devices 4G dual-core devices will have to be attributed to something else. I guess we’ll find out when the time comes around, but for now you have one issue less to worry about.

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