We’ve heard of restaurants where they present a computer next to your table where through either a mouse or touch screen you can browse the menu and place your order without having to even talk to a waiter/waitress, the downside is that while you’re browsing and thinking of what to order, your dinner companion will have to wait for their turn.moJo iCuisine is a new restaurant that opened up in Taipei, Taiwan and they have taken the interactive menu to a whole new level through the use of a projector that projects the menu down on to the table allowing the customer to browse, select, and even pay for their meal. It also has the added benefit that it was designed in such a way that you and your dinner companion will be able to view the menu from either end of the table, so no more waiting for the other to order before it’s your turn.

Apart from ordering from the interactive menu, while waiting for your food you can choose to play games or fill out a feedback form and even choose the type of “table cloth” you would like to have “draped” over your table while you eat. You can also check the bill through the course of dinner to make sure that you have not ordered more than you can afford, no more shocking bills at the end of the night! As it stands it’s quite a novel concept but if it’s successful perhaps we can start seeing more and more restaurants start implementing something similar.

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