
While LED lights on your electronics are useful indicators for letting you know whether your gadgets are turned on or busy working, they can be pretty annoying in the middle of the night, especially if you go to bed with them powered on. To overcome this solution, you have a few options: place an object in front of it to block it, or turn the devices so that they face in another direction. While they do help, what do you do when you actually need to look at them? You would have to turn the devices around/get rid of the objects that block the lights.

Well now you have one more choice – LightDims stickers. Pre-cut into various sizes of different levels of tiny, these specially designed stickers were designed to go over your electronics’ bright LEDs, dimming them enough to be visible, but not bright enough to disturb your sleep. With a 50% to 80% tint, you can choose how much light you want to see from your gadgets at night. But if you really want to get rid of the lights, LightDims also come in a 100% tint version to make sure no lights go through. The LightDims stickers are available now for $5.99 each.

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