Now isn’t that an oxymoron, where you are supposed to wake up in the mornings with the traditional din of an alarm clock? The LARK takes a different route, intending to help you greet a brand new day in silence. This is known as an “un-alarm” clock (if there is such a thing), where it will also double up as a sleep sensor and personal sleep coach that was specially designed by sleep experts.

Julia Hu is the brain behind the LARK idea, where it will come in the form of a wireless wristband, working as a device dock, online portal and iOS silent alarm system at the same time. You wear the wristband at night before you retire, where it will wirelessly “talk” to the iOS application in order to track your sleep patterns across thousands of data points as you are knee deep in your slumber.

When it is time to wake up, a gentle nudge courtesy of the wristband’s built-in vibration capability will help you wake up, followed by data on how well you slept as well as the number of times you woke up at night, if ever. LARK is already available for sale now.

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