Over the weekend, Google made an interesting acquisition which is said to help bolster its not very successful Google TV services. The search engine giant bought over SageTV, a company that’s known for the SageTV Media Center: a DVR (digital video recorder) and HTPC (home theater personal computer) program that turns your Mac OS X, Windows and Linux computers with hardware-based TV tuner cards into TV-compatible devices. SageTV has also created the SageTV Placeshifter: an app that functions similar to Slingbox.
While Google didn’t announce what it was going to do with SageTV now in its pockets, speculation has it that Google wants to make use of the aforementioned SageTV Media Center to turn future Google TV set tops into DVR devices, and to give the Google TV Slingbox capability with the use of Placeshifter technology. Although unlikely, for all we know Google might not even make use of SageTV’s technology. Stay tuned and we’ll keep you posted.
Filed in Acquisition, Google and Google Tv.
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