Life has just gotten a whole lot more memorable with the advent of video recording and photo taking capabilities on smartphones, but why do you want to remain in the same mold as the rest, taking standard still shots? How about introducing a little bit of variety into your impromptu photos with the BubbleScope? This instant 360° photo and video smartphone imaging accessory will be accompanied by an official BubblePix app to get you started, and you can always share the work of your art via an online community.
Thanks to British inventor Tom Lawton, the BubbleScope will require just a single click to capture 360° images or video, accompanied by a real-time preview and no image stitching required. Since the BubbleScope is compatible with a bevy of smartphones, all you need to do is change the phone’s case to attach it.
Currently, fine tuning of the BubbleScope is being carried out, and you can also place a pre-order for said accessory if you are interested in seeing one of these in the flesh down the road.
Filed in Camera.
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