Wordpress logoMicrosoft has recently congratulated Automattic, the creators of WordPress (one of the most popular blogging platforms around) for their decision to no longer support Internet Explorer 6. You might be thinking – “What sort of madness is this? For a company to applaud another company for choosing not to support their software?”

Well in case you didn’t know, earlier last month, Microsoft launched a new campaign to rid the world of Internet Explorer 6. They launched a website called the Internet Explorer 6 Countdown to chart the progress of the browser’s demise. IE6 was shipped with Windows XP about 10 years ago and is ancient when put up against the browsers of today, it’s amazing to know that people still use it.

Well, if you’re one of those folks, and you blog with WordPress – it’s time to upgrade your browser or switch blogging platforms (not what Automattic is hoping you’d do but hey, if Microsoft can’t convince you to leave IE6 behind, I doubt anyone else could).

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