For those of you who have a musical ear and love playing the guitar, it goes without saying that keeping it well tuned is imperative if you want to, in Randy Jackson parlance, “be in it to win it” – never mind that you’re playing for an audience of one. Of course, there are some quarters out there who cannot tune a guitar by ear, so this is where a device such as the TunerMatic arises, letting you make sure your guitar is accurately tuned – making it hard to botch the entire process.

While the majority of guitar tuners out there require you to adjust the tuning peg yourself while keeping track of the note being played on its display, the TunerMatic works differently since it comes with a built-in motor and cranking mechanism which will turn the peg on your behalf. All you need to do is pluck a string, and see it automatically adjust the peg so that your guitar will be in tune. Makes wonder whether it is magic at work here – not really, just technological wizardry. Retailing for $49.95 a pop, it will function on electric or acoustic guitars with a built-in pickup. For those who use it with acoustic guitars that are lacking one, you will need to throw in a $12.95 microphone adapter.

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