Vending Machine

If you’re into taking machines apart or building some of your own, you might want to pay a visit to Metrix Create: Space in Seattle, and then go home and write in your wishlist what you wish was in your city as well. The Metrix Create: Space is one of the newest “hackerspaces” that recently opened in Seattle. It’s basically a place where people go to build or take apart objects. Space for you to work is provided, and so are all the tools.

One of the coolest facilities provided by them are special vending machines that dish out more than just candy or drinks. It also dispenses USB cables, LCD Displays, LEDs, Arduino kits, and more. It’s the perfect machine for folks who are sick of lining up in stores for just one part, or people too impatient to wait for a part to be delivered to you. Just head down to the vending machine, put in some coins, press some buttons and you have the essential electronic parts you need. Find out more about Metrix Create: Space.

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