If you’re fond of doing your office work on your tablet, but wish that instead of just Google Docs or Quick Office, you could work with Microsoft Office instead – you’re in luck. While there is no tablet version of Microsoft Office yet, Soonr grants you the ability to do just that.
Soonr has just announced that its cloud service now supports editing for Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) files. Users on the iPad or Android tablets can easily log in to the service to perform the edits. Soonr’s service allows users to edit Office files as thought they were on a laptop. In the event users get disconnected from the internet, they can still edit their files offline without having to risk losing any changes made until they reconnect to the internet.
Soonr charges users $7.95/month for 3 users and 10GB of storage for the Premium service while the Pro costs $19.95/month for 5 users and 40GB of storage. Fortunately there’s also a trial service for folks who want to know more before putting down the cash. Hit the break to watch a demonstration video:
Filed in Apps, Cloud, Microsoft Office and Tablet.
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