Update: It seems that this was not a hack – but rather, Sony’s way of plugging the security hole by taking down the password reset page while they fix the innards before putting it back online. Read the full story here.

No, the title isn’t a rehash of what happened nearly a month back, although it serves the same purpose. Freshly put back online, hackers decided to show off their cheeky side by breaching the PlayStation Network (PSN), having fun with a vulnerability surrounding the system’s password reset. What do you think of the whole situation – just how sincere is Sony in patching up their online gaming service, and how many more Welcome Back games will be offered this time around? After all, it isn’t even a couple of days since the system’s restoration for something like this to happen. Is Sony’s CEO satisfied with the response time now?

It is interesting to note that for users to reconnect to the PSN after such a long layoff, they are required to reset their passwords. Isn’t it ironic that it was this particular system that was attacked this time around?

The most recent attack saw Nyleveia warning PSN users as follows, “I want to make this clear to ALL PSN users. Despite the methods currently employed to force a password change when you first reconnect to the PlayStation network, your accounts still remain unsafe. A new hack is currently doing the rounds in dark corners of the internet that allows the attacker the ability to change your password using only your account’s email and date of birth. It has been proven to me through direct demonstration on a test account, so I am without any shadow of a doubt that this is real.”

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