PQI’s Intelligent Drive U819V traveling disk does not disappoint size-wise, coming in a sleek and simple look that boasts of clean lines and a smoothly curving trim. This makes it look utilitarian from the outside, while an exterior coating in ivory white and midnight black will give off a beautiful, glittering silvery radiance. Of course, looks can only bring a device so far, so how about its performance? Good thing PQI has stuck to the USB 3.0 standard, since it is the future and the way to go where portable storage devices are concerned. Trust us, once you board the USB 3.0 train, reverting to a USB 2.0 flash drive after that will definitely cause you to raise complaints about its apparent slowness.
Not only that, the PQI Intelligent Drive U819V will also sport a special LED display at the tip which will flicker whenever data is being read. Other improvements that are yet to be seen include overcoming the transmission overheating problem and a data reading problem that is caused by high-frequency noise. Sounds like a dream USB flash drive to own!