If you think that you would like to bling up your corporate life, then you might settle for a Vertu – if you can afford one, that is. Settling for less can be quite the humbling experience, but still the Nokia Oro ought to be able to do more than just turn heads. After all, this premium brand product will feature 18-carat gold plating, a sapphire crystal and leather from one of Scotland’s finest Caledonian herds. Too bad the operating system running inside is Symbian-based – can anyone say boo? Never mind that it is running on the latest Symbian Anna update, it is still fighting an uphill battle to remain up there with the rest, going against the iOS and Android onslaught.
Featuring pentaband radio connectivity, 3G and Wi-Fi support, a 3.5″ AMOLED display, an 8-megapixel camera with 720p video recording capability, the specificiations seem quite similar to recent smartphones from Nokia, although the case for its “poshness” cannot be argued.
Targeting the Middle East and Russia markets, Nokia looks set to do well there again as their past experiences proved that those markets were where their best-sellers had always done well in the premium range. The Nokia Oro will start to sell in selected countries throughout Europe, China and the Middle East sometime in the third quarter of the year, costing 800 Euros at the very least.
Filed in Nokia and Smartphones.
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