While the app won’t have the Foursquare app installed, the phone’s OS will make use of Foursquare’s APIs to bring most of the service’s main features on board. This means you’ll get to check in, view nearby places, to-dos and tips. No word if Facebook Places has been eschewed for this service but it looks like Foursquare is still the first choice for a lot of users despite Facebook’s massive user base. The Foursquare update for the phone will be rolled out over the next six weeks. How many of you prefer using Foursquare over Facebook Places or vice-versa? Let us know in the comments below.
Update 5/25: According to a statement from INQ:
Here’s the word: Facebook Places will continue to be a part of INQ phones. Facebook and foursquare will each have their own home screen on the device, which users can swipe back and forth between, and users will be able to chose which location services they want to use. Foursquare being added in, but not replacing Facebook Places.
Foursquare won’t be replacing Places – users will have a choice of which check-in service they want to use.
Filed in Android, Check-in, Facebook, Foursquare, Google, Inq, Location and Places.
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