While we still haven’t gotten official word about a release date and price for the upcoming HTC EVO 3D (even though we have two ways to pre-order), it looks like the RadioShack have gone ahead and priced the device themselves. And surprisingly – it’s not too pricey at all! If you thought this glasses-free 3D display-toting dual-core 4G beast was going to break the bank, you’re in for a treat. RadioShack has priced the phone at $199.99 with a 2-year contract from Sprint – that’s about the same price as most of the other high-end smartphones on the market these days.
The RadioShack also has a promotion where you can trade in your HTC EVO 4G or HTC EVO Shift for a $100 off on the new EVO 3D. That’s a $100 bucks off for giving away a phone that you were probably going to let collect dust at home anyway. The HTC EVO 3D will also come with The Green Hornet 3D preloaded on the phone (it wasn’t mentioned in the official press release so it might be a RadioShack promotion). How’s that for a treat?
Filed in 3D, 4G, Android, HTC, Htc Evo 3d, Price, Radioshack, Sprint and Wimax.
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