Handbags and shoes – a woman can never have enough (for most, anyways), so do not even bother getting in between them. Luxury handbags do cost a bomb, but that hasn’t stopped working women from using it as a way of rewarding themselves after a job well done, landing a handsome bonus at the end of the year only to part with it for a LV handbag. Here’s an idea – why not go eco-friendly with your next purchase, thanks to Diffus Design and their solar panels?

Teaming up with Swiss embroidery specialist Forster Rohner and Alexandra Institute (DK) to churn out this handbag that is capable of helping you juice up your mobile devices in there. The Solar Handbag can generate enough juice to store in its powerful lithium ion battery that is hidden in a small compartment. When you open the bag, it will activate optical fibres that are attached to the inside, letting out a diffuse glow to help you search for your stuff in there without fumbling around.

This is the first generation luxury solar handbag of its kind, having an efficiency of 9% when converting solar energy into electrical energy. Future generation handbags will be better, with a touted 200% of the current efficiency. [PDF Link]

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