Remember the white iPhone 4 kits we featured awhile ago? Yes the ones even Steve Wozniak himself was famous for purchasing. Last year it was rumored that Apple would be taking action against the 17 year old boy, Fei Lam, for his crimes. Today, it has been reported that Apple did in fact take action against him – and his family for encouraging the activity. But It was also reported that a voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit was filed by Apple, putting an end to the lawsuit, which means there must have been a settlement out of court.
It hasn’t been made publicly known what Lam gave up to settle the case, but prior to the settlement, Apple requested a permanent injunction preventing Lam and his family from any sales, forfeiture of all profits from the sales of the white iPhone parts, reimbursement for legal expenses, and additional financial retribution. While we all know that Apple doesn’t really need the money from Fei Lam, this lawsuit was probably to set an example of what Apple will do – regardless if you’re a minor or not; to put second thoughts into the heads of would-be criminals against Apple. What do you think about the whole issue? In your own opinion, was it handled fairly?
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