Tapping into the social check-in network that is Foursquare, Nock Nock is a service that basically aggregates the data of a certain location – finding out how many people are there, and of what gender they are, who they are (according to their linked Facebook profile), and lets you know how long they’ve been there. So basically if you’re bored at home and you’re looking to spend the night out, Nock Nock can help you scope out clubs, pubs, restaurants etc without you having to set foot out of your house or even having to pay a cover fee just to check out a club.
See someone you’d like to meet in Nock Nock? Just head over to the venue and look out for that person. See someone you’d like to avoid? Now you know where you won’t be heading to tonight. This sounds like a great idea but it relies on people remembering to check-in to a location, provided they use Foursquare in the first place. Nock Nock is a free service and is available supports four cities at the moment – San Francisco, New York, Hong Kong and Bangkok. Expect many more cities to be supported in the future. Watch a video demonstration on how Nock Nock works: