While it didn’t really take an analyst to point it out, sales of the Motrola Xoom Android tablet and the Atrix 4G phone have been pretty disappointing. Pacific Crest analyst James Faucette recently revised his full-year 2011 revenue estimates for Motorola Mobility from $13.7 billion down to $12.12 billion while his predictions for their 2012 revenue fell from $15.34 billion to $13.62 billion as well. The reasons? Blame the lackluster sales of the Motorola Xoom and the Atrix 4G. While the Xoom has been overpriced since the start and in this world where the iPad 2 has set the standard for the tablet – selling the tablet at a higher price than its competitor is practically suicide. The Atrix 4G on the other hand has to go head to head against the similarly priced HTC Inspire 4G and the iPhone, which seem to be more popular at the moment. Let’s not forget the overpriced dock as well. Well, it looks like Motorola will need to refocus their efforts on pricing their devices more competitively or offer something their competitors don’t if they want to do better. It looks like the year isn’t starting off too well for them, despite the hype surrounding their devices when they were introduced to the world.
Filed in 4G, Analyst, Android, Atrix, Motorola, Sales, Tablet and Xoom.
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