Motorola Droid Bionic will be delayed

Motorola Droid BionicThe Motorola Android 4G LTE phone slated to arrive on Verizon Q2 this year was rumored to have been cancelled last week. The dual-core powerhouse phone that was unveiled at CES earlier this year has yet to make an appearance in store, with nary a word from Verizon or Motorola about its official release. Well, today that changed with Wall Street Journal reporting about the phone.

A Motorola spokesperson said that the release of the Android smartphone will be delayed until the third quarter of 2011. It seems that they’ve been collecting feedback and data on the phone since it was shown off and Motorola are making improvements to the device before they release it. The phone manufacturer will be introducing new features to make the phone “an even better consumer experience” when it goes on sale. It wasn’t mentioned what these features were though, so we’ll have to assume that it’s the real reason behind the phone’s tardiness.

Regardless, we’ll still have to wait at least 2 more months before we can get our hands on the 4G LTE Motorola phone. How many of you are still holding out for the Droid Bionic, or have you already given up on the phone?

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