What makes Photosynth stand apart from most panoramic apps is that Photosynth can do more than just really wide angle shots. Photosynth allows people to create an almost complete 360 experience, with the feature to stitch photographs from up, down, left and right. The panoramas can be stored on the device as a fully functional panoramic image. It can also be shared online – as a cropped version of the panorama or as an interactive panorama that’s hosted for free on Photosynth.net.
In addition to letting you create panoramic images for themselves and their friends, users can choose to publish the panorama to Bing Maps to share with the whole world. So while people who may never get a chance to visit a place, they can imagine what it’s like through the use of a panorama. Photosynth is available for free on the App Store for your iPhone 3GS and 4, iPod Touch (4G), and iPad 2.
Filed in iOS, Microsoft and Photography.
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