While the US Navy have successfully fired the first laser cannon on a ship today, the folks over at Parrot have given lasers to their AR.Done quadricopters as well, albeit they won’t set anything on fire – at least not in reality. They have just announced an upcoming game for the AR.Drone called AR.FlyingAce. Designed for two players with an AR.Drone, the multiplayer game pits AR.Drone pilots against one another in a virtual duel. Not many details were released, but from the video promo, we can see that the AR.Drone copters gain the ability to fire lasers at the enemy. Health bars at the of the screen let users know how much life their copters have, and when one runs out of life, it will come tumbling down to the ground. It all looks pretty exciting and will definitely excite AR.Drone pilots looking for a new challenge. The app will be released this month, though no price has been announced yet. Hit the break to watch a video of AR.FlyingAce in action: