Apple has had its fair share of patent applications in the past that point towards the use of projectors, although it is safe to say that most, if not all of them, have remained at that stage without actually making it to a real world device to date. Well, it seems that such patents will not come to an end just yet, as Apple is currently thinking over whether to develop a “display system having coherent and incoherent light sources” as described in the patent application.

It seems that this projector will be laser-based, and good news for consumers – it will be more affordable as well as more power efficient compared to traditional light projectors. Perhaps it can also make obsolete problems that are normally associated with regular laser projectors?

This patent also mentions that it might see integration in other devices (from Apple, obviously) such as notebooks – so a MacBook with a pico-projector doesn’t sound too far-fetched after all.

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