The NGP is one hell of a powerful beast and at the Sony NGP unveil in Tokyo back in January, Sony showed off some impressive first-party titles, namely big hitters like Uncharted and Resistance. That’s about as far it goes. Insomniac Games, developers of the Ratchet & Clank and Resistance games on the PlayStation 3 will not be working be working on any NGP games, but instead will remain “totally focused on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.” As you may or may not know Resistance on the NGP will be handheld by Nihilistic Software. On the PSP, the fantastic Resistance Retribution game on PSP was developed by Sony Bend. Uncharted, developed by Naughty Dog on the PS3 is also getting developed by Sony Bend for Drake’s NGP debut. While this is no indication that the NGP versions of these console franchise will take a hit in quality, it does irk gamers out a little when beloved games are handed off to new devs. There’s a chance of game butchering, but there’s also the chance to shine new light on hit titles, much like the way Retro Studios did for the Metroid Prime series on GameCube and Wii.
Filed in Ngp, Resistance, Sony, Sony Ngp, Uncharted and Video Games.
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