SkyTraq has just announced a spanking new GLONASS/GPS receiver – guess just how compact it is? We’re looking at a super diminutive form factor of just 25mm x 25mm, and despite its size, it is touted to be a high performance, low-power model. Playing nice by being compatible with popular 25mm x 25mm GPS receivers, it can function as a direct drop-in replacement to folks who want to upgrade their current GPS device into a high performance GLONASS/GPS receiver without the need to go through any form of hardware redesign. This simple migration path allows GPS system companies to make that quantum leap forward when it comes to offering GLONASS/GPS products. Features include a 29 second cold start, -145dMb cold starting and -159dBm navigation sensitivity, 24-tracking channel GLONASS + GPS mode, as well as the ability to offer continuous accurate navigation even though you’re entrenched in an urban canyon or close to nature in deep foliage environments. Volume delivery of the SkyTraq GLONASS/GPS receiver will begin from May onwards.