If regular drums kits were to be known for one thing, it wouldn’t be portability. Electronic drum kits that take up a smaller area seem to rectify the problem, but they still weren’t as convenient to bring around as an acoustic guitar or a flute. A young engineer named Aseem Mishra realized this problem and wanted a way to easily bring drums around, so he built them into a pair of jeans. Using a total of 8 sensors for the different sections of a drum kit, he fitted them into his jeans and plugged them into an external speaker. This allowed him to play drums wherever he went as long as he was plugged in to a speaker or headset. The idea and prototype won him the Young Engineer of the Year award in the UK and landed him a spot on BBC’s news channel. He hopes to create a mass-producible version of the drum jeans in the near future, so everybody can wear them in the future as well. Head here to watch the drum jeans in action.