We do know that value is in the software, and for the longest time, Apple has gotten a rather huge lead over its rivals in this sense thanks to the iTunes store. Well, other hardware manufacturers like Microsoft has wisened up to the situation, and hence we do have other app stores in the form of the Android Market and Windows Marketplace. Well, the Blackberry Playbook which has already visited the FCC, is set to make a splash as well in the hardware market with the help from London-based media company 7digital, letting the Playbook access 7digital’s library of more than 13 million high-quality (320kbps) MP3 tracks. The deal will first target those living in the US and Canada at the moment, although it goes without saying that RIM wants to include additional territories down the road – and for good reason, it will help sell the PlayBook across more audiences. Apart from that, the new BlackBerry Podcasts app and native BlackBerry services does seem to be included with each purchase. Good luck to RIM and their efforts with the PlayBook!

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