Asus has just announced their latest device, the Eee PC T101MT convertible tablet which will receive an Atom processor upgrade, bringing it up to speed – we’re talking about a 1.66GHz Intel Atom N570 dual core chip. Too bad the rest of the specifications are more or less the same, which includes being able to carry up to 2GB RAM and sporting a 320GB hard drive. Depending on your needs, you can choose from 4- and 6-cell battery options. Out sometime in the middle of next month, the Asus Eee PC T101MT will retail for around 499 Euros as it is powered by Windows 7 Home Premium in the land of Italy. Any takers? We would think that the netbook market is getting soft, what with the deluge of tablets arriving lately. Hopefully the hinge on this thing will be able to last for years.