SnapKeys has come out with a revolutionary way to input text into your touchscreen mobile devices. Called 2i (Imaginary Interface), they basically threw away all the keys used in an onscreen keyboard, and replaced it with 4 keys instead. The 4 keys appear briefly onscreen so you know where they are, and disappear after that. When typing, you are left with the whole document in front of you, without an onscreen keyboard taking up half of the screen. It isn’t explained how this technology works, but this 2i essentially allows users to “blind type” their text in a mere fraction of the time required when typing with other keyboards. Benefits of this 2i are that you won’t have to move your hands much during typing, the aforementioned full screen typing with no keyboard, and there’s no need to redesign an operating system’s text interface when implementing 2i. Watch the impressive video demonstration after the break: