Polar Bear toyGE (General Electric)’s ecomagination challenge has some pretty interesting submissions to help save the environment and one of them is this Polar Bear soft toy that changes colors according to the energy usage in the house. All you have to do is leave the bear plugged in, and it detects how much energy your house is using. It turns green when the energy usage levels in the home are good, but it turns pink when too much energy is being used. This little polar bear toy can be a good reminder for kids to switch off their lights and fans whenever they leave the rooms. Quite a novel idea we think, but shouldn’t an energy saving device not glow instead? Unless of course it uses an insignificant amount of energy to make the bear glow…but then again, every bit of energy saved counts right? What do you think of a glowing polar bear to remind you of how you use your energy at home?

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