ON VoiceFeed: Smart Visual Voicemail for iPhone

[DEMO Spring 2011] I am a fan of visual voicemail, because I like to be able to browse and select the messageI would like to hear first,  and the Apple visual voicemail solution on the iPhone 4 was pretty much doing the job for me. Additionally, getting voice mail directly in my email inbox is my number one must-have feature, I used to get this from the YouMail service with my previous smartphone. I came across ON VoiceFeed at DEMO, and I can tell you, this application is going one step beyond your regular mobile voicemail.

ON VoiceFeed is a smart visual voice mail client for iPhone, its unique feature is the ability to customize different voice-mail greetings and messages for different groups of people, the idea behind the concept lies on the fact that you do not tell the same things to your boss, your family or your friends. Thanks to the intuitive user interface, it is easy to add a bunch of people in each group by simply dragging them on the specific “world” icon directly from the ON VoiceFeed mobile address book, users can perform this task from the ON VoiceFeed website as well. The premium service lets users create as many greetings as they wish for as many groups as they need, the free version only offers three different greetings for an unlimited number of groups and you can only access a month of archive.

The latest Facebook and Twitter updates of the people who left you a voice-mail are directly ON VoiceFeed Contacts and Groupsdisplayed in the application, which is nice when it come to get some context about the person who is contacting you.

To avoid the hassle of recording a greeting (I hate doing that), it is easy to simply type it and ON VoiceFeed turns it into a voice message featuring a generic voice that you can select from a basic list, down the road, users will be able to buy different voices. The ability to get ON voicemails in your inbox will be added later as well.

ON Voicefeed for Android has been in beta for a year and, according to the company, has tens of thousands of active users, who, on average use it 7 times per day. Today, the iPhone client has been launched at DEMO, it is expected to be available for free in the Apple app store by Tuesday March 1st.

Giles Corbett, CEO, ON VoiceFeed, showed me a demo, check out the video to see how the application works. You can watch the official video and the animation here and here.

If you feel like it, you can compare the app to its main competitors: Hullomail, , Google Voice, YouMail, Friends by Taptivate, AlertMatrix by REXWireless Inc., AsteriskVM, PhoneDesk by desk.io

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