If you’re paranoid about losing your luggage, laptop or anything in particular and wished that you could have Mobile Me to help you locate all your stuff in the event that you lose your possessions or they get stolen, Garmin has a solution for you. Called the Garmin Tracker, this nifty little device is will basically keep you in the loop wherever the tracker (or object you place it with) may be. Functioning like a spidey sensor (from Spiderman), all you have to do is attach it to whatever you want to track. With the use of a computer or an app, you can easily locate where the tracker is. You can even set up a designated area so that when the tracker leaves it, you can be automatically notified via email or SMS. The Garmin Tracker is now on sale for $200 with one year of service. Head here if you’d like to purchase the device. Something tells me people are going to be using these devices to track their cheating spouses more than anything else.
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