Slap me silly and call me Betty – this could very well be the smallest 256GB SSD in the world, thanks to Victorinox. Known as the Victorinox Secure SSD, it will not only carry all of your vital information, it will also cram in a pair of scissors, a straight blade, a nail/file screwdriver combo which most people hardly use, and the coup de grace – a 256GB SSD. Of course, the fairy tale doesn’t end here since Victorinox is working on a 512GB model later in the year, sporting USB 2.0/eSATA II SSD to boot. Boasting a 32-bit processor with hardware error correction, built-in encryption, and an e-ink display that will let you know the files that the drive holds as well as the amount of space remaining, those on an obviously tighter budget can always choose from 64GB and 128GB capacities. All it is missing? A laser cutter…

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