Gaming company Razer intends to strengthen the line up of their Board of Advisors by recruiting Ed Fries – an industry veteran who has nearly 30 years of software experience ranging from the Atari all the way to Microsoft Office and the Xbox. This move will definitely boost Razer’s team with plenty of experience, and hopefully it might just mean more device such as the Razer Switchblade gaming concept device that we looked at in the recently concluded CES this year hitting the market in due time, as Ed goes about doing his part as a member of Razer’s Board of Advisors. Apart from that, we too are pretty stoked to see which direction will Ed steer Razer down the road later this year (and the years to come, of course). Surely his wealth of experience will definitely go a long way in keeping Razer at the top of the food chain where gaming hardware is concerned. [Press Release]
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