Apple has seemingly removed access to a jailbreak detection API that was originally introduced to iOS 4.0 over the course of this summer. 3rd party developers of mobile device management software did let the cat out of the bag, touting that the API no longer plays nice with iOS 4.2.1, where Apple apparently went around it quietly without any warning of it being deprecated. How does this affect the end user – you? Well, for starters, if you were to jailbreak an iPhone or other iOS device, that means removing the built-in security features so that you can run non-App Store software as well as customize the user interface. Unfortunately, that has a downside of making your iPhone more vulnerable to malware and data theft. This has resulted in Apple dropping the API because jailbreakers could modify the system to hide the fact that it had been compromised. It really depends on which side of the fence you’re on though – are you a fan of jailbreaking your iOS device?