If you’re a die hard Palm fan and cannot believe your eyes that Palm’s line of Pre devices aren’t exactly burning up the sales charts, fret not. The webOS 2.0-powered Palm Pre 2 has just had its official advertisement released, otherwise known as Sizzle, with the ad also making its way to YouTube as well (who wouldn’t expect that?) which you can watch in the extended post. This ad will feature several new additions in webOS 2.0 alongside a handful of other “critical” applications such as Angry Birds and Facebook support. Of course, with the Pre 2 having visited the FCC in its CDMA and GSM variants, it is no surprise to see an ad spot now appearing. Start checking out your bank balance if you want to bring home the Pre 2!
Filed in Palm, Palm Pre 2, Pre 2, Pre2 and Webos 2.0.
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