Everyone knows that golf balls are really, really tiny. Well, the CamBall is similar in dimensions (more or less anyways), but what it does is not win trophies when hit correctly, but rather, it will go around recording everything around you visually in 320 x 240 resolution. Sure, the resolution isn’t anything to shout about, but surely something this small warrants a mention, eh? Not only is it wearable, it is also mountable and waterproof with optional motion-activation capabilities. The CamBall SG-31 will feature motion detection capability, while the vanilla SG-30 lacks that function. The CamBall SG-30 will retail for $149.99, whereas the SG-31 with motion-activation will be a third more expensive at $199.99 a pop. Other than that, their shared specifications are available in the extended post. We still think an ActionCam would be much more suitable for on-the-go, no holds barred recording. [Press Release]