While the focus on Apple’s Back to Mac event was on its new MacBook Air notebooks and iLife ’11, the fruity company has also introduced new processor options for its 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pros. Customers are now able to choose a 2.8GHz Core i7 processor when choosing either notebook, bumping the price up by $400 or $200, depending on the original configuration. Aside from that, the new MacBook Air notebooks also offer users the option of reinstalling the OS and iLife suite from a single USB drive that’s included with their purchase, allowing MacBook Air users to be able to reinstall the OS without needing to use the DVD Sharing feature. On a similar note, Windows notebooks have already been able to download a copy of Windows 7 that can be converted into a USB drive, but few if any Windows-powered notebooks also come with a USB drive included as part of the deal.
Filed in Apple Inc, Core I7 and Macbook Pro.
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