Moodagent helps users to create mood-based playlists, combining 5 “moods values” with user profile. The user provide its current emotional status to the app using 5 sliders labeled “Sensual, Tender, Happy, Angry and Tempo”, and the Moodagent AI engine generates a playlist that fits the listener musical tastes (see picture, left). The iPhone application was launched at the end of 2009, the Android version was released in July, and the application is also available for Nokia devices. According to Syntonetic, more than 2,500,000 customers from 187 different countries have synced over 1 billion songs to create instant playlists based on moods and emotions.
Today, Syntonetic is adding new features to Moodagent v2.1 for Android including:
- a new widget allowing direct control of the app from the Android desktop screen, while Moodagent runs offscreen, in the background. The users will be able to multitask on their smartphones, listening to music while utilizing other functionalities and apps on the device. (picture, right)
- Headset Controls. Control the app via a cabled or Bluetooth headset, including play/pause, skip forward or backward, stop.
- Scrobbling. Tell which tracks Moodagent plays, in order to build and improve profile.
- Delete Playlists. Discard saved playlists no longer needed.
- Album Art. View the original artwork that appeared on the album jacket.
- Slider Animations. Touchscreen sliders auto adjust when a seed track is chosen.
Moodagent v2.1 for Android is available on Android Market for $5.00/€5.00.
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