If you have the impulsive need to share video clips of your life with the whole world, perhaps the Looxcie wearable camcorder could be what you’ve been looking for. The device will be available on Amazon from this Wednesday for $199 and allows users to capture videos at 480 x 320 pixel resolution at 15FPS. The Looxcie can be strapped to a user’s ear, allowing the device to see and record at eye-level, continuously recording and storing up to 4-hours of video. If something interesting happens, you can also hit the “instant clip” button which will save the last 30 seconds of video and package it into a video file which can be shared via Bluetooth to the companion mobile app. The app is currently available for Android devices, but Windows Mobile, iOS, and BlackBerry versions should be available by the end of the year. If you won’t have a smartphone, you can still extract the videos via a USB connection to your computer.
Filed in Camcorder.
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