It remains to be seen whether the Q3 2010 roadmap that was leaked by Verizon Wireless was done on purpose or not, but the world is now privy to what the carrier is offering – we’re talking about the Motorola Droid 2 World Edition hitting the market next month alongside the youth-oriented Android-powered Motorola WX445 Citrus. Apart from that, the touchscreen capable LG Octane VN530 will also be coming, accompanied by the LG VN270, Pantech Crux and the ZTE Salute. These will all be budget conscious, so don’t expect the planet to stop with their announcement. The month of October is a little bit more interesting, where the BlackBerry Storm 3 9570 will roll out with BlackBerry OS 6, alongside a SurePress touchscreen that is similar to that of its predecessors. To accompany it would be the BlackBerry Curve 3 9330 alongside the Samsung Fascinate, a Samsung Galaxy S variant that might be a little bit too late. More details on other upcoming devices are available after the jump.
We will also see the Motorola XT610 hit the market in October, which will be another Android smartphone in all probability albeit with lower end specifications compared to the Droid X. As for the Motorola A957, it could be the Droid Pro – but that’s all we have for now. The Motorola Stingray could also make its debut this November, but whether it will feature Android 3.0 Gingerbread or not is another issue.
Filed in BlackBerry, Blackberry Storm 3, Leaked, Motorola, Roadmap, Samsung Fascinate, Verizon and Vzw.
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