Want to know what it is like to see a robot that is agile enough to scale walls just like Spiderman? Wonder no more with the ROCR Oscillating Climbing Robot, although it does it in a rather unconventional method, relying on carefully executed tail motions in order for it to scale walls at 6.2″ per second. That’s pretty fast when you think about it, since no other robots to date have managed to achieve the 20% efficiency in climbing tests that the ROCR has done so far. This is made possible thanks to its integrated microcomputer, sensors and power electronics that work in tandem to execute the right tail motions, helping it scale walls with seeming ease. On its upper body, there is a couple of tiny, steel, hook-like claws to sink into a carpeted wall as it scurries up a wall. Now, to find a practical use for this robot. It does seem to be the perfect fodder for Decepticons though.