HP Zeus Printer and more on the HP Zeen as well

Remember the HP eStation Zeen that we looked at yesterday? While very little else was known about it, here is more information on the tablet, where it is expected to run on Android 2.1, although there is also the possibility of having it run on FroYo before launched – albeit with a full HP skin to make it a more unique user experience. Aside from that, hardware specifications include a capacitive touchscreen display, relevant buttons, an SD memory card slot, a high possibility of a webcam as well as e-reader capability that sees it play nice with the Nook e-book store. Rumors are going around that the eStation Zeen will retail for $399 when it hits Stateside, arriving with the Zeus printer in one package – of course, there is a printerless package if saving money is your cup of tea.

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