Check out the Heliotrope rotating solar home in the video above, where it might just be the most perfect home on earth due to its ultra low levels of energy consumption – notwithstanding if you decide to fill up the home with power guzzlers, of course. The Heliotrope is the brainchild of architect Ralph Disch, where it will use a slew of solar panels located on its roof (where else), not to mention its ability to rotate gradually in order to absorb maximum amount of sunlight. We do wonder though, will the amount of energy required to rotate the entire home be offset by the optimal amount of energy stashed away by optimal sunlight? Apparently so, as it is touted to generate five times the energy it consumes. The Heliotrope will cost a cool 1.2 million Euros which would definitely place it out of reach of most people, but it will usher in a new wave of eco-friendly homes if (and when) the price drops down to more affordable levels.