Iain Barclay has come up with the Solar Powered Wireless Webcam which he dubs the FieldCam. After all, this is one webcam which relies on the power of the sun to function, and not only that, it works fine sans wires. Using a handful of off-the-shelf parts, a 3G cellular phone dongle and router, and a custom circuit board, the FieldCam was born. Of course, the box will need to be placed in the field under the open skies for it to obtain a constant charge on a clear day, where it will collect enough juice for it to snap a photo every 5 minutes which in turn will upload it to Flickr. It costs around £10 monthly for the 3G cellular data connection SIM card to get this set up running fine and dandy. While there was no mention of cost, it might be somewhere in the region of £200 or so for the full kit. Granted, this project seems to be dated from last year, but it is still worth a look considering the overall eco-friendly theme.