Can’t get enough of your Netflix movies? The folks over at Western Digital (WD) understand this, as the company has just announced its WD TV Live Plus HD media player that ships with Netflix support, allowing you to browse titles, manage your Instant Queue and stream your favorite episodes directly to your HDTV. Other features include the ability to stream personalized content from YouTube, Flickr, Pandora, Live365 and MediaFly network, which includes podcasts from CNN, NBC, MTV, ESPN, and other content providers. You’ve also got the added benefit of being able to stream your movies from your PC or Mac, and also USB storage devices, giving you quite a few options to get plenty of media content on your HDTV. The WD TV Live Plus HD media player is currently available for $149.99 with a 1-year warranty.
Filed in Announcements, Espn, Flickr, Mtv, Nbc, Netflix, Official, Pandora, Wd and YouTube.
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