Stereoscopic 3D technology has certainly come a long way since the previous century, and long gone are the days of poor cardboard cut outs with red and green see-through paper to achieve the 3D effect. These days, we have to fork out a good $15 or so for a stereoscopic 3D movie, not to mention paying extra if we spoil or lose those glasses during the course of the show. Toshiba has introduced a new OCB (Optically Compensated Bend) LCD panel that will see action in time-based type 3D glasses, where it is able to facilitate high-speed shutter opening and closing, which in turn results in minimizing eye fatigue that is caused by the so-called “3D crosstalk” – a phenomena that happens when the right image is sensed by the left eye and vice versa, causing double vision. This would mean better image quality for everyone alongside a wide viewing angle, although it remains to be seen when these OCB-type LCD panels will see action in our homes.
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