More BlackBerry Slider Phone Pictures Emerge

Just a slightly a week after we managed to get hold of some pictures of a BlackBerry slider phone, more pictures of said device have surfaced. In the latest batch of leaked pictures, you’ll be able to see the side profile of the phone, compared with a BlackBerry Curve 8900. It seems that this device is probably not the Storm 3, but possibly another version of the BlackBerry Bold, especially if you take into account its identical style to the current Bold 9700. Apparently there was a UAProf (User Agent Profile) found on RIM’s site for a 9700a that sports a HVGA+ portrait display, which is obviously different from the current Bold 9700’s landscape display. Picture of the rear view of this BlackBerry slider showing off its new F-S1 battery after the jump.

More BlackBerry Slider Phone Pictures Emerge

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