Intel just announced a new line of Xeon processors aimed at the server market. Intel says that this is the biggest leap in server processor performance. The new chip is based on the “Nehalem” architecture already present on consumer products like the Core i7/i5/i3 processors (CPU). With eight cores per chip that show up as 16 virtual cores to the operating system, the Xeon 7500 can replace 20 older single-core servers according to Intel. Depending on the system design, it is possible to use up to 256 chips simultaneously and add up to 1TB of system memory. With 130W of power consumption, the Xeon 7500 should be much more energy efficient than the older servers that it will replace. For buyers, that means a higher computing power and density at the same energetic (and cooling!) cost. That’s a good seller, right? On that topic, pricing ranges from $1980 (X7542) to $3692 (X7560) – and that’s per 1000 quantities. For more information, head to