ProfileWiz: Automated Profile Writing for Online Dating

ProfileWiz: Automated Profile Writing for Online Dating

Writing one’s own profile for online dating sites could be challenging and let’s be honest, few people write like Shakespeare or Toni Morrison… Today, Imagini is launching ProfileWiz, a profile writing service tailored for dating, it provides a 500-word profile generated from 22 visual answers in less than five minutes. The fact that you have to answer by selecting pictures is really fun and I guess, faster to complete than a text-based questionnaire. I tested the service, it is pretty well done given the fact that it is generated by a robot. I reused my query result URL several times to see what kind of results I would get with the same profile, and each time the resulting text was slightly different, while providing the overall same meaning. You can try my URL to see the profile I generated (no, I am not looking for a date). So, people with the same 22 answers would get slightly different profiles, preventing the dating sites to be flood with too similar personal descriptions.

My advice is to use the service as a start for your profile, and modify the text to add your personal touch. You get the title and the two first sentences for free and it will cost you only $4.75 to access the complete 500-word text, that’s a good deal. Imagini is offering the first 1,000 people to visit the following URL a free, completely personalized profile:

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